On Sunday, February 10, 2019, Glen Ridge Taekwon-do in Montclair, NJ, held a Board Breaking competition for students of all ranks and ages. Competitors were limited to two breaking stations and a maximum of three boards but they had three matches to set up and break boards. Students were paired up and would set up their breaks before the judges to see which of the pair performed better, each time against a different competitor. Students ranged in age with the youngest being 6 years old and going up to Adult, and ranged in rank from White Belt to Black Belt. Because the judging was designed to give experience to Black Belts with less experience, the judges included some of Glen Ridge's youngest black belts, and matches were determined simply by indicating the winner of the match, and not scored with precise numbers. There were more senior black belts to help those with less experience either in judging or in board breaking so everyone could learn and improve their taekwon-do while having fun. The event had 28 competitors, times 3 matches each, breaking 3 boards each time which makes a total of 252 boards broken for the day. The whole event took about two hours from the briefing the competitors and judges a the beginning through to sweeping up afterwards. As Master Laura Giletti, 6th Dan, said, "where else can you break a whole lot of stuff without getting into trouble?" Comments are closed.