As part of their dance/movement series, the Physical Education teachers at Lomond Elementary School in Shaker Heights, OH invited Master Marr’s Taekwon-do (MMTKD) to teach introductory classes to all the third and fourth graders. MMTKD owners Master James Marr, TKDI General Secretary, and Master Elaine Bayless, and Blue Belt student Devonte Green, used the 45 minute classes to explain what Taekwon-do is, where it originated, and basic Korean phrases. The children got to try out several blocks, punches, and kicks, first in place, following the instructors, and then moving across the floor with the instructors holding pads. Encouraging the students to put some oomph behind their ke-ups, Master Marr reminded them, “Every other adult in your life will tell you to be quieter. I want you to be louder!” Master Marr and Master Bayless worked on footwork and balance, as well as reinforcing left and right, while keeping the children moving and engaged. At the end of each class, a show of hands indicated that every one of the students was eager to learn more. Comments are closed.